
Bad Jokes (Part 8) - Cringeworthy

Best first: On a first date:

“So, what is your profession?”

“I copy keys.”

“Really? What are they doing?”
Our most popular catergories:

So Bad It's Good | Cringeworthy Jokes:

What is the difference between a soccer star and a bank robber?
The bank robber goes, “Give me the money or I shoot!”

The soccer star goes, “Give me the money or I don’t shoot!”
Why did the dog cross the road?

To get out of the barking lot.
I saw you with a new guy. Is it something serious?
No, we do laugh from time to time.

When I’m bored, I imitate everybody.
But that’s no way for an adult to behave.
But that’s no way for an adult to behave.
Come on, stop being stupid.
Come on, stop being stupid.
I told my girlfriend to come with me to the gym. Then I stood her up. Hopefully, she’ll realize the two of us are not going to work out.
What do you call an alligator who knows his way around?
A navigator.
Job Interviewer, “Why are you wearing jogging pants?”
Man, “This is customary dress code where I come from.”
“Where do you come from?”
“From home.”
How do you tell you’ve had two dinosaurs in the fridge?

There are footprints in the butter.
How come the barber won the race?
The cheater took a short cut.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Ben who?
Ben abducted by aliens and now I’m back.

Two grandmas, Agnes and Gabriela, are meeting at a café. They’re having a nice chat over cake and coffee when suddenly Agnes remarks, “Um, Gabriela, you seem to have a suppository in your left ear…”

Gabriela is surprised and fishes the suppository out of her ear, looks at it for a while and sighs, “Well I guess I know where to find my hearing aid then.”

Why did the geeky guy cross the road?

He had heard there were a lot of chicks on the other side.

What boats do, when they get sick?
They actually go to the doc(k).
Helium walks into a bar and orders water. Bartender apologizes, "Sorry sir but we're currently out of water." What does Helium do?
It doesn't react.

Next: Bad Jokes Part 9 (Corny)

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6  Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10

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