Strange but Funny
Shower Thoughts

If you step on someone’s foot, they open their mouth – just like a garbage
Isn’t it funny – when you eat a sausage, you digest it and the body
makes it again into a sausage.
Pregnant women are the only true body builders.
Shouldn’t a photographer who specializes in taking photos of school
classes be actually called a school shooter?
Bones decay very slowly. I'm thinking about all those dinosaurs
and that my my baby teeth are still out there.
When you put a bed in your bedroom – you have less bedroom.
Why do people duck when it rains? Do they think they will get less
Searching for a new laptop online is basically forcing your current
computer to dig its own grave.
What if the spider I killed in my bedroom lived his whole life thinking
I was his roommate and died wondering what brought on this psychotic break?
Why the hell is there an S in the word ‘lisp’?!
There are two kinds of people. Some wash their dishes because they just
ate; the others wash their dishes because they are just about to eat.
Interesting, isn’t it, that "take out" refers to food, romantic dating,
and assassination.
My head is very slowly 3D printing my hair.
Sweater is a pretty disgusting name for a piece of clothing.
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I and Bill Gates have a combined fortune of approximately 80 billion
How does the non-stick coating stick to the pan?!I
f you’re waiting to be served in a restaurant, shouldn’t you be called
the waiter?
It would be very nice if the car navigation voice would get more and
more excited as you'd get closer to your destination.
The goal of golf is to play as little golf as possible.
Are those who sneeze the most blessed?

If weights became invisible, a gym would turn into a slow motion disco.
You go early to bed. You sleep for 8 hours. You wake up early. You're
considered disciplined.
You go later to bed. You sleep for 8
hours and wake up late – and you're considered lazy. Why?
Has a giraffe ever smelled its own fart?
Is a paper cut the tree’s way of getting back at you?
I wonder what dirty talk looks like in sign language.
The devil shakes a pitchfork, the grim reaper swings a scythe… So is
farming a big thing in the underworld?
When a pregnant woman takes a bath, she’s become a human submarine.
When you go to sleep at 4 am, is it going to bed late or early?
If snails are so slow, how come nobody sees them coming? It’s always
like bam, there’s a snail.
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Fun Facts