Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7 |
Part 8 |
Part 9 |
Part 10
New Shower Thoughts Common sense is not a common thing at all.
When your window gets hit by a bird, are you sure it isn’t just God playing
Angry Birds with you?
When you become a vegetarian, does that mean you’re climbing down on the
food chain?
It is more probable that you will get killed in your own home in the next
half hour than that you will win the lottery.
I wonder how much money the phrase “Keep the change” cost me so far.
Even though most cars have electric windows these days, the phrase "roll
your window up / down" seems to stay.
Funny that the Alt+Tab combination switches windows and not tabs.
What if dogs in water aren't swimming, but simply trying to stand up
When swimming, your body is using most of its muscles in an effort not to
drown and die, and yet swimming is considered by most to be a fun leisure
Girls saying they're not like other girls are exactly like the other girls
that are saying they're not like other girls.
When two really famous celebrities meet, do they customarily introduce
themselves to one another or not?
Imagine if spiders were the same weight as dogs – and were just as fond of
jumping on you...
To aliens, we’re the aliens.
Driving an invisible car could be the most extreme adrenalin activity.
If a nation would collectively elect to be ruled by a dictator, technically
the dictatorship would then be a democracy.
The invention of the wheel could be the best example of how it’s best to
work smarter, not harder.
The English language is a bastard child of German and French that was raised
by the Vikings.
It could easily have been my last time ever on a trampoline but I have no
way of telling yet.
Our dogs are the family that we chose.

Auto-correct should have been named more precisely as auto-assume.
I wonder what it’s like to be the guy who actually did forget how to ride a
Necks are basically wrists for our heads.
Best Shower Thoughts
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7 |
Part 8 |
Part 9 |
Part 10 |
New Shower Thoughts
See also:
Fun Facts