At a barbecue.
One sausage says to another, “Oh my god, I
think you’re burning!”
What is green but turns red?
A frog in a mixer.
What is green and stays green?
A super frog in a mixer who runs so fast it is never caught by the
What is green and turns red?
A super frog that stumbles.
out our Dark jokes section)
What tea can vary in taste from bitter to sweet?
Why did the duck cross the road?
identified as a chicken.
A chicken frowns at her brood, “If your father could
see you now, he’d turn over on his rotisserie!
miss our Cross the road jokes)
What does a French skeleton say when he
enters a bar?

What did one candle say to the other?
I'll be going out tonight.
”Two hunters go in a forest. One shoots the other in the eye and says,
“Don’t you look at me like that!”
What is yellow
and cannot swim?
An excavator!
And why?
Because it only has one arm.
a look at our Bad dad jokes section)
At a farmer’s market stall:
Customer: Excuse me, is this tomato genetically modified?
Seller: Why do you want to know?
Tomato: Yeah, why do you want to know?
Two tomatoes walk across the street. One of them
screams: "Careful there's a truck comi...SPLASH!!!!"
The flower was heavily bent. Why?
Obese butterflies.
A mute
says to the deaf, “The blind are watching us.”
Photographer: “And will you want those pictures in color or
Zebra: “Jerk!”
What is green and sits crying in the corner?
The incredible
Next: Part
5 (Crazy Anti-Jokes)
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5