
Anti Jokes | Part 3 (Strange)

Best first: Two skyscrapers are sitting in the cellar, knitting gasoline.

Is there anything odd about this?

Of course – you can only crochet gasoline!
Our most popular catergories:

Strange Anti-Jokes

 How many elephants fit into a submarine?
Twelve, because the doorbell is on the left side. 
Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?

Just needed to stretch its legs.
Two sheep are sitting in a rubber boat in the middle of the ocean. A nothing floats along and passes by the boat.

One sheep remarks, “Did you see that?”

The other one says, “No…”

First sheep agrees, “Me neither.”
Two piles of poop are sitting on a wall, playing cards. A diarrhea comes by and asks, “Can I play with you?” One of the poops replies, “No, you’re not tough enough for that.” 
What is green, small, hairy and has three white points?

Well - nothing, really.

What is yellow and black and flies?
A group of mustard seeds in leather jackets!
A man goes with his daughter in a forest. “Look a mushroom!” points the dad.
The mushroom turns around and says, “So what?!”
Feeling amused? Explore our Puns section!
A ball rolls around a corner and says, “Damn, I missed my bus.”  
A man walks into a small convenience store and asks, “I’d like a pound of milk please“.
The shop assistant says, “Milk is measured, sir, not weighed.”
The man replies, “Ok, then give me 7 inches of milk.”
Do you know the joke from the second floor?
No, I live on the third floor.
 Next: Part 4 (Dark Anti-Jokes)

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

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