
One Liners | Part 2

The best first: My wife’s driving test went surprisingly well yesterday. She got 7 out of 12. The other 5 managed to run to safety.
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One Liner Jokes

Why are ghost such bad liars? Because they are easy to see through.

I stole my friend’s wheelchair. Guess who is comes crawling back to me?!
Man to his wife:
I’d never say you’re fat! You’re just a bit more visible.
A pig stands in front of an electric socket: “Oh no, who put you into that wall?!”
 I saw this sweet poor old lady fall down the stairs and hurt herself. At least I assume she was poor because I didn’t find more than 3.50 in her wallet.
Here, I bought you a calendar. Your days are numbered now.
Talk is cheap, yeah? Have you ever talked to a lawyer?!
I called the hospital but the line was dead.
Check out our Anti-Jokes
A woman complains to her mother, “I had this big fight with my husband Joe and at the end he just told me to go to hell.”

Mother frowns, “Oh, and so you came to me, huh?”
Do you know a tree’s favorite drink?
Root beer!
Hilarious Police Suggestion

Feeling amused? Explore our Puns section!
What did one plate say to his friend?
Tonight, dinner’s on me!

Two invisible men meet. One says to the other: “Hey dude, long time no see!”
A woman sees an angler at a lake, “And, are they biting?”
The angler replies, “Only if they are provoked.”
Next Part
Best One Liners

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

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