What’s the difference between a lion and a shark?
None, except for the lion, they’re both sea animals.

Two milk cartons are sitting on a roof. Suddenly one
milk carton throws the other down and says, “That’s what you get!”
Peter says, “I can’t hear you, Michael!”
Michael responds, “I can’t hear you either, Peter!”
A wild hog runs around a corner and steps on a
What’s jumping from tree to
A pack of gherkins.
Wait, that can’t be right!
Of course not. Gherkins aren’t pack creatures.
Where do cows like to go?
In a
Two guys are catching up, “You know what
happened? We had this really good roofer, awesome guy, got run over by
a car last week. Really sad.”
His friend shakes his head,
“Wow. You’d think you’d be safe up on the roof…”
did the chicken cross the road?
Because the road was too long
to walk around it.
Why didn’t the flamingo cross the road?
Because he’s not a chicken.
A guy wants to go shopping. He locks his bike onto a
light post and when he comes back, the light post is gone.
How do you know there’s a bear in the cinema?
His bike is parked in front of it.
What sits on a tree and goes, “A-haaaaaa, a-haaaaaa”?
An owl who just had a major realization.
Why did the chewing
gum cross the road?
Because it got stuck to the chicken’s foot.
did the lettuce cross the road?
Because it was green.
do walls do?
They meet at the corner.
What is blue and smells like red paint?
Blue paint.
Next: Part 3 (Strange
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5