Captain America is my role model.
But I don’t think I could ever make
it beyond Lieutenant East Texas.
I found the perfect new super hero name for me: Irony

It is a fact of nature that light arrives faster than
Which is why some people can appear quite bright, until they
Sometimes I drink water – just to surprise my liver.
You may have one but that doesn't mean you have to
act like one.
Any of us has the capacity to light
up a room.
Some when they enter, others when they leave it.
(Somewhere in Texas) “This is no longer a weather, that’s a demo version of
a crematorium!”
Seen enough funny sayings?
Discover a
new category!
Somebody’s rolling their eyes at you?
Just say, “Why are you rolling
your eyes? Trying to find your brain?”
Panic, Chaos, Pandemonium – my work here is
Fastest things on Earth:
1) Maglev train
2) Internet in
Silicon Valley
3) Those 5 minutes between hitting
snooze and the alarm starting again.
What’s a cure for anorexia?
Pshah, it’s a piece of cake.
Smart Jokes - Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6
Part 7 |
Part 8