
Good Clean Jokes | Part 4

The best first: Little Johnny: Odd. First my parents teach me to speak and then they want me to be quiet the whole time.
Our most popular catergories:

A guy calls the fire department and yells excitedly: “You have to come, now, there’s a fire!”

“OK sir, but please tell us how do we get to you.”

The man asks, puzzled: “What, you don’t have them big red trucks anymore?”

Life Hack:

If you’re tired of waiting at a restaurant, just call their number and ask if they also deliver to table 16.
Paul to Jane: Would you like to be my girlfriend?

Jane: That’s a bit direct. Can’t you come up with something more beautiful?

Paul: I tried, but they didn’t want.

Feeling amused? Explore our Puns section!
The local minister sees that every morning, some apples on his tree are missing. He makes a sign:

God sees everything.

The next morning, somebody writes under it: Yes, but he’s not a snitch.
Fun with Dog

Financially I‘m set for life. Provided I die next Wednesday.
An old guy in his Volvo is driving home from work when his wife rings him on his cell phone.

"Honey," she says in a worried voice, "please be careful. There was a bit on the news just now, some lunatic is driving the wrong way down the highway."

"Oh it's worse than that," he replies, "there are hundreds of them!"
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Clean Jokes

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

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