
Short Clean Jokes | Part 3

The best first: Nothing ruins a great Friday more than realizing it’s actually Wednesday.
Our most popular catergories:

My friend boasted he had the body of a Greek god. I had to explain where Buddha actually comes from.

“Mom, don't get alarmed, but I’m at the hospital.”

“Son, please. You’ve been a surgeon there for 8 years now. Can we start our phone calls differently?”
Humorous Octopus Realization

What if dogs fetch the ball back only because they think you really like throwing it?
Mother: Eat your bread.

Child: I don’t like bread. Why do I have to eat the bread?

Mother: So you become big and strong.

Child: Why do I have to become big and strong?

Mother: So you can provide the daily bread to your family.

Child: But I don’t like bread!
“Little Jonny, why did you put your teddy in the freezer?”
“I would like to have a polar bear.”

Man to his wife: “Do you know what our 6 year old son wants to be once he’s big?”

Wife: “No.”

Man: “A garbage man. And you know why?”

Wife: “No, why?”

Man: “Because he thinks they only work on Tuesdays.”
When a guy says he likes girls with a sense of humor, he doesn't mean that he wants a girl to be really witty and funny. He means he wants her to laugh at his jokes.
Next Part
Clean Jokes

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

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