Yeah, it’s all fun about the rednecks – until the zombie
apocalypse. Then you need them.
Q: How did the redneck die from drinking milk? A: The cow lay down.
Redneck: I like to eat my tacos over a tortilla. When stuff falls out,
BOOM, I have a burrito.
How many rednecks does it take eat a possum? Two. One to eat, the other one
to watch out for cars.
Q: What does a bottle of beer and a redneck have in common?
Nothing in there from the neck up.
Q: What do you have when you get 28 rednecks in one trailer?
A: A
complete set of teeth.
Seen enough redneck jokes?
Discover a new
Want to get a redneck in a fit of rage?
Say you’ve lost all his
Redneck’s famous last words?
“You hold mah beer and watch this!”

Q: Why are redneck murders the toughest to crack?
A: Highly matching
DNA in all suspects and no dental records.
First Part
Redneck Jokes
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5
* A small note: It is totally NOT OK to use REDNECK JOKES, even
when they are hilarious, to make people feel crap. In that game,
nobody really wins, and even when people laugh with you at the
time, no-one's ever gotten any friends this way.
Everything you give out will influence you somehow, so better
give out something positive. And hey, while you're at it, enjoy
these truly mean and ridiculously funny redneck jokes for purely
academic purposes!