First day at school, the teacher explains the little pupils, “…and if
anybody needs to go to the bathroom, just raise your hand.”
Johnny asks from the back of the room: “And that is going to help?”
Why did the boy eat his homework?
Because his dog wasn’t up to the job.
A man picks up his mother in law from the train station.
As they drive off, he asks her: “And how long are you going to stay?”
She replies: “As long as you want me to!”
“What,” asks the man, “so
Hey, you are Italian - have you ever heard of somebody from Sicily
becoming a Jehovah’s Witness?
Me neither. I guess they
really don't like witnesses there.
“Doctor, I think my husband doesn't like me anymore. He’s constantly
looking at younger women. Do you have something that would enhance
his desire for me?”
“Yes, put this powder in his coffee and
all will be fine.”
Two weeks later the lady comes back and
says, “Doctor, the powder was a catastrophe!”
“Well, I put it in his coffee; suddenly, his whole look changed; he
ripped off my clothes and was at me like an animal for the next two
hours. Really, nothing could stop him!”
Doctor: “But that's
wonderful, isn't it?”
Woman: “In a way, yes, except now he’s
in prison, and we are on a lifetime ban from Starbucks!”
A guest calls the waiter: “Please try my soup.”
Waiter: “What’s the problem? Too salty?”
Guest: “No. Just try my
Waiter: “What then, is it too cold?”
Guest: “No.
Please try my soup.”
Waiter: “Is it too hot?”
Guest: “No
it isn’t. Can you just please try my soup already?”
Waiter: “But
there’s no spoon.”
Guest: “Finally!”
A guy walks into a bar and yells in loud frustration: “All lawyers are monsters!!!!”
A huge hulk of a man with shaved head and a very unpleasant appearance slowly stands up and says, “Hey, you take that back right now!”
“Um… are you a lawyer?” the man asks a bit more timidly.
“What?! No, I’m a monster!!!”
Good news: Husband knows his way around fashion.
Bad news: He
actually enjoys wearing your clothes and underwear more than the traditional
male ones.
Worst news: He looks better in them than you do.

What does a baby and supermarket meat have in common?
They both get
repackaged when they start to smell funny.
Good Jokes
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3